What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

ACT helps change your relationship with difficult thoughts, emotions and physical sensations, for the purpose of then constructing a life around what really matters to you.

ACT involves:

  • Learning awareness skills to recognise unhelpful struggles with unpleasant thoughts, emotions and physical sensations.

  • Finding ways to drop those struggles that are not working in the long term.

  • Becoming mindful with the specific intention of then achieving things that are important to you.

  • Connecting with your values and seeing these values actually realised in everyday life through committed actions. 

  • Puttting effort towards the life that you truly want and care about, rather than the life that your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations would dictate. 

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

CBT is a really helpful approach when the thoughts you are having are worth challenging. This can help you to manage problems by changing the way you think and behave. 

CBT involves:

  • Noticing how some negative thoughts and emotions are leaving you trapped in vicious cycles. 

  • Identifying any catastrophic predictions that are unlikely to come true.

  • Recognising when you are unnecessarily self-critical or are discounting your achievements.

  • Using clear processes and positive strategies to challenge unhelpful thoughts and to break down overwhelming problems into achievable goals.

  • Changing negative thought cycles and patterns of behaviour to improve your mood and how you are living.